[RabidSphinx], is the best.
Every member of this page stalks her freely.
So if you stalk her, you’re a member.
Just add your self.
Prove you stalk [RabidSphinx], and your a member.
Here are the members:
1) [
Ajsinnott]: 100% stalker lol, i am the maker of this wiki, and proud of it, im soooo happy im not the only one who stalks raine yey.
2) [
doll of ajsinnott]: I stalk her all the time
4) [
*_*]: yey I'm a member and i love [
RabidSphinx] as my best firend in ep hugs her
4) [
Big Brother]: #1 STALKER
5) [
wayne]: I like stalking people... all sorts of people
6) [
Osborn#67]: hehe i am a stalker, hehe (perv) ^^
7) [
DenDen]: Rainy is soo hot, groovy and
the sex!
8) [
iCh3wi]: RD is sooooo freakin hot, I want her back on EP!!!!!
9) [
Roosey]: The boyfriend!!!
10) [
Deadly Black Rose]: I'm new on elfpack but i think she's hot as hell!
11) [
ShadowSong]: I followed her back from here back to ET... and almost got banned trying to get her back..
Toxic Misery]:I first stalked her online and then i met her, now i stalk her all the way to her house!
13) [
Orestez]: *Peeks out from behind a Wiki...* I love her so much I pled her case to get her unbanned! Welcome Back!
14) [
Magatama]: OK. I Admit it [
RabidSphinx] is hot and funny i stalk her. She's cool. Love ya Raine.
15) [
Fabulous.]: woooooooooo go raine!!!!! woooooooooo
16) [
PyroBuggy]: Lets join another one of her wiki's and freak her out by going in and out of her house like small wacky mammals!
17) [
dinosaur-hunter]: kill turkey pot pie!!!!
18) [
Xx sαяαн-ιоυιѕε мαч..x] You just gotta love her! :D
19) [
NiteGoddess]: proudly stalking [
RabidSphinx] and her Mountain lover...;-)
20) [
withered_rose]: I stalk her all the time and im proud of it
21) [
Eryn.]: I love my big sister!!!
22) [
Goodbye EP]: I stalk [
RabidSphinx] and [
Roosey], but he doesn't know yet. lol
23) [
Ellyn]: She's too shmexchy for my own good, so I must molest her occasionally to steal her smexchyness!
24) [
Rainedrop]: I stalk her on the dark stairs and trip her when i try and rub against her legs!
25) [
zoloftzantac]: I want her babies!
26) [
Mage Il-Tackhead]: Okay, so who in their right mind wouldn't stalk [
RabidSphinx]? I'm normal, believe me...
27) [
RedPhoenixVII]: *munches the Maefs muffin monster*
28) [
Xavier_Alokar]: The stalker around the block
29) [
Twisted Fate] : hehe
to never return bye yall]
dramaqueen]:we talk alot. Lol. Good friend i guess.
BexxiBoop] Cause shes like the best xx
FireGypsy] : *licks*
No longer stalkers of RD:
Dirty Lil Juggalette]
Here are some banners you can put in your house, feel free to make your own:

Made By: [Ajsinnott]

Made By: [Ajsinnott]

Made By: [iCh3wi]

Made By: [DenDen]

Made By: [iCh3wi]
This wiki is a Safe-Zone From Stupidity!!